Tuesday, June 9, 2009

In The Year Three Thousand

"... Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge to form one super time waisting website called, YOU-TWIT-FACE!"


Travis Butterfield said...

holy crap that's a lot of updates!!! I'm impressed! I'm glad you have stuff to write about. As for me, my life isn't nearly that exciting. It's pretty boring, actually. Oh well. Ha ha. I wish I could have hung with the nephews at the fair thingy. That looks like fun. Poor little Rex with his stitches! I heard about them, but that's the first I've seen them.

Travis Butterfield said...

p.s. I think I want to legally change my name to "Garbage Can Stinky." That's one of the funniest things I've ever heard.

Jason Butterfield said...

I have only watched Conan on "The Tonight Show" once, but the one I saw had Andy on it. I hope he is back for good. I always liked their banter. Couple of twit-faces. Funny stuff.