Saturday, September 13, 2008

what else...

last weekend a bunch of us were able to go boating for probably the last, or one of the last times of the season. it was so fun. i really love getting out on the lake. the thing that was really nice was that the water was pretty much close to perfect for the majority of the time we were there. it was awesome for skiing...which was really nice since nearly every other time we have gone out this year we've gotten stuck with pretty mediocre water. cush also had just bought a new ski which was soooo nice. i couldnt believe how effortless it made cutting and leaning in to the water. wakeboarding was pretty fun too. this season i have really been able to get more in to it and i have actually really grown to like it.
in other news, i was able to go and visit chad, lindsey and the kids out in vegas a three or four weeks ago. it was a really fun trip and i really enjoyed being able to see my nephews. rex is a very mild mannered baby and jay is simply getting funnier and funnier as he grows up. unfortunatly i forgot to bring my camera down there so i wasnt able to get any photos of them. oh well. thanks again chad and lindsey for letting us come and stay down there. now i just need to get out and see staci, clark, and coybin.
well, i cant really think of anything else to update about. im enjoying the changing of the season and look farward to the next couple of months of fall. i always enjoy the different smells in the air and the cripser air. the leaves changing are always really cool too. well, like i said, thats about all ive got for today.