Thursday, May 6, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Cluffs Update
I realized I haven't posted anything about the Cluffs for a while so here's a quick post about what we did last week.
Special needs mutual talent show:
Last Thursday night I took Jared, Taylor and Jordin to their special needs mutual talent show. It was awesome! They attend the special needs mutual in Sandy and it has been really good for them. The leaders and youth counselors are so great. They do a wonderful job of including everyone and fostering an environment where the kids can truly enjoy themselves. I loved watching the talent show and seeing the support everyone was giving the kids. Taylor and Jordin both participated and were so funny with their talents. Jordin stood and recited her favorite animals and Taylor stood and told a joke about dinosaurs...of course. :)
Posted by Lumpy at 11:03 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Trip to Vegas
This past weekend was really fun. I decided to go to Vegas and visit Chad and Lindsay and the boys and also attend some of the Mountain West basketball championship tournament. It has always been something that I have wanted to do so it was fun to finally go and do, I always love the chance to see my nephews and and hang out with my family that lives out of state. Other than Utah playing like a high school team, Chad and I had a good time at the game. Too bad I forgot my camera for it. --- Good thing I made up for it by taking lots of photos of the boys. :) I had so much fun being around Rex and Jay-boy. They are such good kids and it makes me happy to be their uncle...too bad coybin wasn't there to play with them. Jay is as smart and creative as ever. He loves the new super mario brothers game on the wii, his new coin collection, playing outside, and making maps...especially treasure maps. Rex is strong and athletic and very happy by nature. He loves playing any game with a ball, teasing and making jokes, following Jay, shooting hoops, dancing, and watching Dora the Explorer and Spongebob...of course.
Here are some pictures from the weekend:
Jay at T-Ball

Playing in the backyard
Silly guys

At the park
Posted by Lumpy at 11:05 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Office Superiority
I recently watched one of the original episodes of The Office and there's really no debate...The UK version of The Office is sooooo much more funny than the american version.
Posted by Lumpy at 12:46 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Hockey Game
Posted by Lumpy at 8:13 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Master of Public Administration
Well its official. Last night I turned in my application to the University of Utah's Master of Public Administration Program . . . and I wont lie, it feels really good to have it done! :) After a month of preparing for the MAT, writing my letter of intent, filling out applications, and making sure my letters of recommendation got submitted, its nice to finally sit back and exhale a little. I guess now all I need to do is wait...which might not be any better! :) Actually, things shouldn't be too bad. One of the administrators told me yesterday that I should receive news sometime in March about whether or not I'll be accepted, so the wait really wont be that bad. Thanks, by the way, to all the family and friend who helped me get everything ready to turn in. The proof reading and the extra help studying really made a difference. So, again, Thank You! :)
Posted by Lumpy at 12:07 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
I can not believe how good tonights episode was. Lost is SOOOOOOOO good! I hate having to wait another week for it to come on. Two BIG thumbs up on the final season's opening episode...and yes a single tear just formed in the corner of my eye while I was writing the words 'final season' just now. Sniffle.
PS Sawyer is still the best and Jack sucks big time
Posted by Lumpy at 10:37 PM 5 comments