Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I can not believe how good tonights episode was. Lost is SOOOOOOOO good! I hate having to wait another week for it to come on. Two BIG thumbs up on the final season's opening episode...and yes a single tear just formed in the corner of my eye while I was writing the words 'final season' just now. Sniffle.

PS Sawyer is still the best and Jack sucks big time


Jay Butterfield aka Bob Roberts/ Rex aka T-Rex Man said...

You might like this blog - this dude has a lot of really good insights. http://www.lostaddictsblog.com/

Lumpy said...

nice ill check it out. lostpedia.com is pretty good to supposedly. My friend Mike just told me about it last night

Becky said...

I agree...love Sawyer! But...I'm totally confused again.

Travis Butterfield said...

ha ha ha. I can't believe mom loves Sawyer. That's surprising. I guess it runs in the family, though. I mean, grandma loved Walker Texas Ranger, and now mom loves Sawyer. What is it with these ladies liking the tough guys? ha ha.

Anyhoo. I was a little unimpressed with the season premiere. Maybe I hyped it up too much. Who knows? Sawyer isn't my favorite. I don't think Jack is either. I kind of like Desmond. Brothah!

p.s. I'm not even kidding - the word verification for this comment is "motab." Talk about a funny coincidence!

Jason and Heidi said...

We should have LOST parties every Tuesday night! Love it!!!!