Saturday, August 18, 2007

ew...sumpin stinky

so today i got stranded mountain binking up big cottonwood canyon. the bike i was using up and fell apart and it was looking like i had no way of getting back to where my car was. fortunately, while i was stuck with on the trail with my broken bike, a game warden came riding up the trail in his truck. long story short, the game warden stopped and i was able to ask him to give me a ride back to my car...the cool thing however was that i recognized the game warden as a parent of one of the autistic kids i taught 5 or 6 years ago at the pingree school. his kid travis white was one of my favorite and more animated kids... he's the one who coined the classic "sumpin stinky" phrase. anyway, it was a lot of fun catching up and hearing about travis and what he's up to now a days. pretty cool i thought


Butterfield Family said...

your blog is pretty stinky (or is that your feet?)

Travis Butterfield said...

what exactly is "mountain binking?" ha ha.